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St Colman's Primary School, Dromore, Co Down


2021/2022 School Year

8th Jun 2022
As part of our music lessons we have been learning to play the djembe drums. Have...
1st Jun 2022
What a day Primary 7 had at Lurgaboy Adventure Centre. It was fantastic! The children...
26th May 2022
What a great morning of football our girls had today. They played every match with...
23rd May 2022
Today we received copies of the poetry book which we were involved with earlier this...
22nd May 2022
On Friday Primary seven participated in a Music lesson with Mrs Turner from Dromore...
16th May 2022
Katie P.3 visited The Netherlands, with her Mum and Dad, to lay flowers at the grave...
16th May 2022
The children estimated and measured lengths in feet, spans, metres and centimetres...
16th May 2022
The Eco Committee have been outdoors sowing flower seeds in our raised beds. They...
13th May 2022
Our P7 boys and girls were delighted to receive their Leavers’ hoodies today...
29th Apr 2022
The children received recognition for their effort and work in class and for excellent...