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St Colman's Primary School, Dromore, Co Down


9th Nov 2023
Today the children in P2/3 participated in a Sentinus Primary STEM workshop held...
7th Nov 2023
Welcome to Primary 2/3 and all our families.A new school year has commenced and the...
7th Nov 2023
Our P1s were introduced to coding during their ICT lesson today. Using the Code Karts...
6th Nov 2023
Before the Halloween break we got the chance to dress up and have a Halloween Disco....
22nd Oct 2023
The children enjoyed participating in a range of Maths Table Top Games, Maths Apps...
22nd Oct 2023
Our Eco Committee: Darrragh, Olivia -Jane, Grace, Katie, Dara, Arthur, Fiona and...
20th Oct 2023
The boys and girls explored Maths in lots of areas of the curriculum. We played tabletop...
20th Oct 2023
Our class took part in numerous activities to celebrate Maths Week. We signed up...
12th Oct 2023
B’s BuddiesCongratulations to all our P7 pupils who have qualified as Playground...